You can find the details of Woodcock gaming permit Permit Number: GMPERM/00320 Permit Type: Gaming Machine Permit Application Type: Application to Renew Licence Status: Application to Renew Licence Ward: Farnley & Wortley Premises Name: Woodcock Premises Address: Whitehall Road, Lower Wortley, Leeds, LS12 5HR Date …
You can find the details of Cuthbert Broderick gaming permit Permit Number: GMPERM/02273 Permit Type: Gaming Machine Permit Application Type: Application to Renew Licence Status: Application to Renew Licence Ward: City & Hunslet Premises Name: Cuthbert Broderick Premises Address: 99 Portland Crescent, Leeds, LS1 3HJ …
You can find the details of Station Hotel gaming permit Permit Number: GMPERM/01563 Permit Type: Gaming Machine Permit Application Type: Application to Renew Licence Status: Application to Renew Licence Ward: Crossgates & Whinmoor Premises Name: Station Hotel Premises Address: 1 Station Road, Cross Gates, Leeds, …
You can find the details of Wellington Inn gaming permit Permit Number: GMPERM/00318 Permit Type: Gaming Machine Permit Application Type: Application to Renew Licence Status: Application to Renew Licence Ward: Crossgates & Whinmoor Premises Name: Wellington Inn Premises Address: Wetherby Road, Bardsey, Leeds, LS17 8LZ …
You can find the details of Hedley Verity gaming permit Permit Number: GMPERM/00621 Permit Type: Gaming Machine Permit Application Type: Application to Renew Licence Status: Application to Renew Licence Ward: Headingley Premises Name: Hedley Verity Premises Address: Woodhouse Lane, Headingley, Leeds, LS2 8JT Date Received: …
You can find the details of White Bear gaming permit Permit Number: GMPERM/02150 Permit Type: Gaming Machine Permit Application Type: Application to Renew Licence Status: Application to Renew Licence Ward: Morley South Premises Name: White Bear Premises Address: New White Bear, Dewsbury Road, Cross Street, …
You can find the details of Gildersome Arms (formerly Mill House Restaurant) gaming permit Permit Number: GMPERM/01386 Permit Type: Gaming Machine Permit Application Type: Application to Renew Licence Status: Application to Renew Licence Ward: Morley North Premises Name: Gildersome Arms (formerly Mill House Restaurant) Premises …
You can find the details of Stick Or Twist gaming permit Permit Number: GMPERM/00003 Permit Type: Gaming Machine Permit Application Type: Application to Renew Licence Status: Application to Renew Licence Ward: City & Hunslet Premises Name: Stick Or Twist Premises Address: Podium Buildings, Merrion Way, …
You can find the details of Deer Park gaming permit Permit Number: GMPERM/00052 Permit Type: Gaming Machine Permit Application Type: Application to Renew Licence Status: Application to Renew Licence Ward: Roundhay Premises Name: Deer Park Premises Address: 68 Street Lane, Roundhay, Leeds, LS8 2DQ Date …
You can find the details of The Picture House gaming permit Permit Number: GMPERM/00424 Permit Type: Gaming Machine Permit Application Type: Application to Renew Licence Status: Application to Renew Licence Ward: City & Hunslet Premises Name: The Picture House Premises Address: 82-90 Merrion Street, Leeds, …
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